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Phish - Hoist




Sample In A Jar

It's hidden far away
But someday I may tell
The tale of metal tangle
When into your world I fell
Without you now I wander soaking
Secretly afraid
'Cause in your grasp the fears don't last
(And some of them have stayed)

I wheeled around because I
Didn't hear what you had said
And saw you dancing with Elihu
Up on Leemor's bed
And I was foggy rather groggy, you helped me to my car
The binding belt enclosing me, a Sample in a Jar

And on the market stands unfolding
With all their willies and their wares
I shuffle by alert but numb
To all the glances and the glares
And I think of you unheeding
All the times I raise my cup
It's now I know that you knew that
I'd soon end up end up


You tricked me like the others
And now I don't belong
The simple smiles and good times seem all wrong

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This site was designed and developed by Scott Harris