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Round Room

Phish - Round Room



Round Room

Mock Song

Zither, Rachel, Cardamom, Frost - But at what cost?
Threshold, Skin, Fortress, Win - A life of sin
Pliers, Tension, Toy Store, Grace - The human race
Raking, Fourteen, Basket, Screw - Now how 'bout you?
Passion, Cardboard, Raisin, Stop - A better crop
Field, Cater, Open, New - Who's mocking who?
It's just a mock song...

Gas, Thirsty, Rattle, Tick - A bone to pick
Fountain, Egg, Treason, Cave - Will you dance on grave?
Throat, Carrot, Meeting, Choke -I got that joke
Temper, Thistle, Rodney, Wilt - The house I built
Fewer, Pink, Kyle, Ball - I've known them all
Penny, Thistle, Cell Phone, Blow - Reap what you sow
Because it's just a mock song
Call it what you will.

1998-2024 by StrangedesigN.
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This site was designed and developed by Scott Harris